Depression Workbook


Speak Out Depression Workbook is curated with the depressed brain in mind. You know, the one who can barely get out of bed, change their clothes, shower, you cancel plans last minute, only want to lay on the couch & watch whatever seems remotely interesting cause nothing much gives you joy anymore…sorry, did that feel a bit too exposing? If you resonate you know doing a workbook is the last thing you have energy for…I mean nothing brings you joy and none of your old hobbies interest you anymore right?

Before that pesky little voice in your head tells you that you’re a piece of trash, it’s not worth it, nothing will make life better, & you won’t even do it…believe us, this has made a world of a difference in our own stories & Depression.

This workbook was really designed with YOU in mind. We wanted something that felt attainable, easy to use, easy to look at, & not overwhelming.

The Tools in this workbook are powerful & can make a real different in your life. We hope you give it a shot.

*As always, these workbooks are not in replacement to therapy, but a suggest addition to getting professional help while navigating the challenges of life.

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